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Argocd account can i

argocd account can-i

Can I

argocd account can-i ACTION RESOURCE SUBRESOURCE [flags]


# Can I sync any app?
argocd account can-i sync applications '*'

# Can I update a project?
argocd account can-i update projects 'default'

# Can I create a cluster?
argocd account can-i create clusters '*'

Actions: [get create update delete sync override]
Resources: [clusters projects applications applicationsets repositories certificates logs exec]


  -h, --help   help for can-i

Options inherited from parent commands

      --auth-token string               Authentication token
      --client-crt string               Client certificate file
      --client-crt-key string           Client certificate key file
      --config string                   Path to Argo CD config (default "/home/user/.config/argocd/config")
      --core                            If set to true then CLI talks directly to Kubernetes instead of talking to Argo CD API server
      --grpc-web                        Enables gRPC-web protocol. Useful if Argo CD server is behind proxy which does not support HTTP2.
      --grpc-web-root-path string       Enables gRPC-web protocol. Useful if Argo CD server is behind proxy which does not support HTTP2. Set web root.
  -H, --header strings                  Sets additional header to all requests made by Argo CD CLI. (Can be repeated multiple times to add multiple headers, also supports comma separated headers)
      --http-retry-max int              Maximum number of retries to establish http connection to Argo CD server
      --insecure                        Skip server certificate and domain verification
      --kube-context string             Directs the command to the given kube-context
      --logformat string                Set the logging format. One of: text|json (default "text")
      --loglevel string                 Set the logging level. One of: debug|info|warn|error (default "info")
      --plaintext                       Disable TLS
      --port-forward                    Connect to a random argocd-server port using port forwarding
      --port-forward-namespace string   Namespace name which should be used for port forwarding
      --server string                   Argo CD server address
      --server-crt string               Server certificate file