Sync Windows¶
Sync windows are configurable windows of time where syncs will either be blocked or allowed. These are defined
by a kind, which can be either allow
or deny
, a schedule
in cron format and a duration along with one or
more of either applications
, namespaces
and clusters
. Wildcards are supported. These windows affect the running
of both manual and automated syncs but allow an override for manual syncs which is useful if you are only interested
in preventing automated syncs or if you need to temporarily override a window to perform a sync.
The windows work in the following way. If there are no windows matching an application then all syncs are allowed. If there
are any allow
windows matching an application then syncs will only be allowed when there is an active allow
windows. If there
are any deny
windows matching an application then all syncs will be denied when the deny
windows are active. If there is an
active matching allow
and an active matching deny
then syncs will be denied as deny
windows override allow
windows. The
UI and the CLI will both display the state of the sync windows. The UI has a panel which will display different colours depending
on the state. The colours are as follows. Red: sync denied
, Orange: manual allowed
and Green: sync allowed
To display the sync state using the CLI:
argocd app get APP
Which will return the sync state and any matching windows.
Name: guestbook
Project: default
Server: in-cluster
Namespace: default
URL: http://localhost:8080/applications/guestbook
Path: guestbook
SyncWindow: Sync Denied
Assigned Windows: deny:0 2 * * *:1h,allow:0 2 3 3 3:1h
Sync Policy: Automated
Sync Status: Synced to (5c2d89b)
Health Status: Healthy
Windows can be created using the CLI:
argocd proj windows add PROJECT \
--kind allow \
--schedule "0 22 * * *" \
--duration 1h \
--applications "*"
Alternatively, they can be created directly in the AppProject
kind: AppProject
name: default
- kind: allow
schedule: '10 1 * * *'
duration: 1h
- '*-prod'
manualSync: true
- kind: deny
schedule: '0 22 * * *'
duration: 1h
- default
- kind: allow
schedule: '0 23 * * *'
duration: 1h
- in-cluster
- cluster1
In order to perform a sync when syncs are being prevented by a window, you can configure the window to allow manual syncs
using the CLI, UI or directly in the AppProject
argocd proj windows enable-manual-sync PROJECT ID
To disable
argocd proj windows disable-manual-sync PROJECT ID
Windows can be listed using the CLI or viewed in the UI:
argocd proj windows list PROJECT
0 Active allow * * * * * 1h - - prod1 Disabled
1 Inactive deny * * * * 1 3h - default - Disabled
2 Inactive allow 1 2 * * * 1h prod-* - - Enabled
3 Active deny * * * * * 1h - default - Disabled
All fields of a window can be updated using either the CLI or UI. The applications
, namespaces
and clusters
require the update to contain all of the required values. For example if updating the namespaces
field and it already
contains default and kube-system then the new value would have to include those in the list.
argocd proj windows update PROJECT ID --namespaces default,kube-system,prod1